Here is a strange story of an Olympic fan, Chen Guanming a farmer by profession, who cycled the rickshaw all the way from China to London to cheer the athletes and spread the Olympic spirit.
The 57-year old Chinese farmer, who started the journey two years ago in April 2010, has said that he wanted to be there at London while the games are on, just to support the athletes and spread the Olympic spirit.
Chen, is also seeking a last-minute ticket to attend the spectacular opening ceremony.
The Chinese farmer had come all the way from China on his three-wheeler which is loaded with his possessions, plastered with pictures of him posing in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and other international landmarks.
"I came to support and cheer all the people from all over the world who are participating in the sports," said Chen who was sporting a beard and a small ponytail.

Chen, who started his journey from his village in eastern China, Jiangsu province, is said to have covered 16 countries including Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan, Turkey and Italy. He reached London by Ferry from France on July 6.
Having arranged his visas from 2009, the 57 year old is said to have managed to traverse so many countries' borders, while an interview with BBC showed visa stamps in his passport from many countries.

Moreover, a video on youtube which was posted in May suggest that he was in Rome. Though this Olympic fan's adventure couldn't be independently verified, sources claim that the 57-year-old farmer from China has created a lot of hype as he has travelled across countries to reach the destination of London Olympics 2012, after two years.
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