Raigam Tele Award Ceremony 2011 / 2012
The 8th Raigam Tele’es will be held at the Water’s Edge on the evening of 11th May 2012.
Eight years is a long time, for its organizers - a long experience, for award recipients - a big hope! To hold an award ceremony for at the highest level for eight consecutive years is clear victory over many challenges. While sharing that happiness and strength with the media and general public, we gladly accept the onerous challenge of organizing the national tele-awards ceremony to encompass the whole of the tele-media.
Something remains valuable only if it evolves while maintaining its values. If awards winners come in a queue just to receive the awards that are given for the sake of awarding someone, that award ceremony will generate no interest. Audience will have no enthusiasm. That is the reason why in many awards ceremonies audience applause for award winners is markedly unenthusiastic. This must be the reason why AIFA Awards Ceremony became so popular. Eight years ago, Raigam Tele-awards ceremony started as an awards ceremony for the tele-drama industry and became their crowning event. Raigam Tele awards Ceremony that honored senior artists, tele-drama talent and Viewer-expectations every year, through different categories has now become Raigam Tele’es. It is with the idea of taking Raigam Tele’es to the level of GRAMMY or FILM FARE that we have re branded Raigam Tele-awards as RAIGAM TELE’ES. From now on let us talk about Raigam Tele’es. Raigam Tele’es covers all sectors of the Television media. It includes tele-drama as well as Sports, Children’s, Political, News, Documentary, Reality and many other programmes not forgetting technical sectors too. Raigam Tele’es considers awards only for talents that can be considered at national level. There is a set norm for the awarding of Raigam Tele’es. Therefore, Raigam Tele’es is the National Tele Awards. There are many sectors for which Raigam Tele’es present awards. Watch Last Year(2010 / 2011) Ceremony...